AirtelTrickz now sharing an Airtel 3G Android Operamini Modded Trick which is working {1000%} all over India, This trick is tested by me in Gujarat and AP Airtel Sim and it is working fine without any error at Unblocked Sim with Unlimited browsing but downloading limit asusual 100mb/day.
This Airtel 3G Opera Mini Trick is Default trick, no need to change setting again and again just make setting once and start browsing as well as downloading in your android device or smart device.
Follow Below steps to use it
1. First download
handlerUI and
install it
2. Open HandlerUI and Tick on
Disable Socket as below image
3. Now Scroll down below and Also Tick on
Remove Port as Below image
4. Now Select Proxy Type as
Real Host as Below
5. In Proxy Server Input as
v.airtellive.com6. Now Click on Save
{If this not works then download form here} or
Click Here